With over 20 years of experience, I deal with regeneration and recycling of plastic materials with huge experience in problem solving and plant revamping.
The trasformation from waste to product has been my most successfully experience which brought me to take an important know how on the extrusion plants, recycling and selection of the various typology of plastic materials.
Specifically my strong experience is into extrusion , washing PET and selection of the separate collection of plastics, I can find solution at 360° in these sectors.
Furthermore I take care of start up of new plants, improvement and maintenance of the production cycle with staff training.
As of today, thanking to the collaboration I had with Consorzio Corepla/Conai, I am involved in the researching and enhancement of new plastic wire processing.
Besides, together with my collaborations, I am involved into the sectors of paper/carton waste, glass, and alfalfa.
Contact Us
For more information contact me by filling out the form on the side or write / contact me at the data below.
Phone: +39 335 336 180
Email: rogerperin@yahoo.it